
This documentation covers IPython versions 6.0 and higher. Beginning with version 6.0, IPython stopped supporting compatibility with Python versions lower than 3.3 including all versions of Python 2.7.

If you are looking for an IPython version compatible with Python 2.7, please use the IPython 5.x LTS release and refer to its documentation (LTS is the long term support release).

The IPython API

Date:September 27, 2018
IPython IPython: tools for interactive and parallel computing in Python.
IPython.core.alias System command aliases.
IPython.core.application An application for IPython.
IPython.core.autocall Autocall capabilities for IPython.core.
IPython.core.builtin_trap A context manager for managing things injected into builtins.
IPython.core.compilerop Compiler tools with improved interactive support.
IPython.core.completer Completion for IPython.
IPython.core.completerlib Implementations for various useful completers.
IPython.core.crashhandler sys.excepthook for IPython itself, leaves a detailed report on disk.
IPython.core.debugger Pdb debugger class.
IPython.core.error Global exception classes for IPython.core. Infrastructure for registering and firing callbacks on application events.
IPython.core.excolors Color schemes for exception handling code in IPython.
IPython.core.extensions A class for managing IPython extensions.
IPython.core.formatters Display formatters.
IPython.core.getipython Simple function to call to get the current InteractiveShell instance
IPython.core.history History related magics and functionality
IPython.core.historyapp An application for managing IPython history.
IPython.core.hooks Hooks for IPython.
IPython.core.inputsplitter Input handling and transformation machinery.
IPython.core.inputtransformer Input transformer classes to support IPython special syntax.
IPython.core.interactiveshell Main IPython class.
IPython.core.logger Logger class for IPython’s logging facilities.
IPython.core.macro Support for interactive macros in IPython
IPython.core.magic Magic functions for InteractiveShell.
IPython.core.magic_arguments A decorator-based method of constructing IPython magics with argparse option handling.
IPython.core.oinspect Tools for inspecting Python objects. Paging capabilities for IPython.core
IPython.core.payload Payload system for IPython.
IPython.core.payloadpage A payload based version of page.
IPython.core.prefilter Prefiltering components.
IPython.core.profileapp An application for managing IPython profiles.
IPython.core.profiledir An object for managing IPython profile directories.
IPython.core.prompts Being removed
IPython.core.pylabtools Pylab (matplotlib) support utilities.
IPython.core.shellapp A mixin for Application classes that launch InteractiveShell instances, load extensions, etc.
IPython.core.splitinput Simple utility for splitting user input.
IPython.core.ultratb Verbose and colourful traceback formatting.
IPython.display Public API for display tools in IPython.
IPython.lib.backgroundjobs Manage background (threaded) jobs conveniently from an interactive shell.
IPython.lib.clipboard Utilities for accessing the platform’s clipboard.
IPython.lib.deepreload Provides a reload() function that acts recursively.
IPython.lib.demo Module for interactive demos using IPython.
IPython.lib.editorhooks ‘editor’ hooks for common editors that work well with ipython
IPython.lib.guisupport Support for creating GUI apps and starting event loops.
IPython.lib.inputhook Deprecated since IPython 5.0
IPython.lib.latextools Tools for handling LaTeX.
IPython.lib.lexers Defines a variety of Pygments lexers for highlighting IPython code.
IPython.lib.pretty Python advanced pretty printer. Password generation for the IPython notebook.
IPython.paths Find files and directories which IPython uses.
IPython.terminal.embed An embedded IPython shell.
IPython.terminal.interactiveshell IPython terminal interface using prompt_toolkit
IPython.terminal.ipapp The Application object for the command line ipython program.
IPython.terminal.magics Extra magics for terminal use.
IPython.terminal.prompts Terminal input and output prompts.
IPython.terminal.shortcuts Module to define and register Terminal IPython shortcuts with prompt_toolkit
IPython.testing Testing support (tools to test IPython itself).
IPython.testing.decorators Decorators for labeling test objects.
IPython.testing.globalipapp Global IPython app to support test running.
IPython.testing.ipunittest Experimental code for cleaner support of IPython syntax with unittest.
IPython.testing.skipdoctest Decorators marks that a doctest should be skipped. Generic testing tools.
IPython.utils.PyColorize Class and program to colorize python source code for ANSI terminals.
IPython.utils.capture IO capturing utilities.
IPython.utils.colorable Color managing related utilities
IPython.utils.coloransi Tools for coloring text in ANSI terminals.
IPython.utils.contexts Miscellaneous context managers. Utilities for working with data structures like lists, dicts and tuples.
IPython.utils.decorators Decorators that don’t go anywhere else.
IPython.utils.dir2 A fancy version of Python’s builtin dir() function.
IPython.utils.encoding Utilities for dealing with text encodings
IPython.utils.frame Utilities for working with stack frames.
IPython.utils.generics Generic functions for extending IPython.
IPython.utils.importstring A simple utility to import something by its string name. IO related utilities.
IPython.utils.ipstruct A dict subclass that supports attribute style access.
IPython.utils.module_paths Utility functions for finding modules
IPython.utils.openpy Tools to open .py files as Unicode, using the encoding specified within the file, as per PEP 263.
IPython.utils.path Utilities for path handling.
IPython.utils.process Utilities for working with external processes.
IPython.utils.sentinel Sentinel class for constants with useful reprs
IPython.utils.shimmodule A shim module for deprecated imports
IPython.utils.strdispatch String dispatch class to match regexps and dispatch commands.
IPython.utils.sysinfo Utilities for getting information about IPython and the system it’s running in.
IPython.utils.syspathcontext Context managers for adding things to sys.path temporarily.
IPython.utils.tempdir This module contains classes - NamedFileInTemporaryDirectory, TemporaryWorkingDirectory.
IPython.utils.terminal Utilities for working with terminals.
IPython.utils.text Utilities for working with strings and text.
IPython.utils.timing Utilities for timing code execution.
IPython.utils.tokenize2 Patched version of standard library tokenize, to deal with various bugs.
IPython.utils.tokenutil Token-related utilities Timezone utilities
IPython.utils.ulinecache This module has been deprecated since IPython 6.0.
IPython.utils.version Utilities for version comparison
IPython.utils.wildcard Support for wildcard pattern matching in object inspection.