IPython Documentation
What’s new in IPython
Using IPython for interactive work
Configuration and customization
Configuring IPython
Introduction to IPython configuration
IPython options
IPython shortcuts
Specific config details
Extending and integrating with IPython
IPython extensions
Integrating your objects with IPython
Defining custom magics
Custom input transformation
IPython Events
Integrating with GUI event loops
Developer’s guide for third party tools and libraries
Guide for IPython core Developers
The IPython API
IPython Sphinx extension
About IPython
Configuration and customization
Edit on GitHub
Configuration and customization
Configuring IPython
Introduction to IPython configuration
Setting configurable options
The IPython directory
IPython options
Terminal IPython options
IPython kernel options
IPython shortcuts
Single Filtered shortcuts
Multi Filtered shortcuts
Specific config details
Custom Prompts
Terminal Colors
Editor configuration
Keyboard Shortcuts
See also
Overview of the IPython configuration system
Technical details of the config system.
Extending and integrating with IPython
IPython extensions
Getting extensions
Using extensions
Writing extensions
Extensions bundled with IPython
Integrating your objects with IPython
Tab completion
Rich display
Custom exception tracebacks
Defining custom magics
Custom input transformation
String based transformations
AST transformations
IPython Events
Integrating with GUI event loops
Event loops in the terminal
Event loops in the kernel